Documents offers

The format of the documents
Document packs are provided in Word and/or PDF format.

Order and payment
Orders are placed by filling in the forms via the “order” buttons below,and payments are made by bank transfer on receipt of the invoice after delivery.

IDD document updates
Last review in 2023 (particularly with regard to ESG requirements and LC 22/22)
Packs will be updated regularly, ideally once a year if necessary.

Once the pack has been purchased, subsequent charges are calculated according to the proportional share of the legal costs invested in the update.

IDD basic pre-contractual documents :

Life or Non Life documents

  • APCAL Member: 500 €/office.
  • Non-member : 2.000€

Life and Non Life documents

  • APCAL Member : 750€/office
  • Non-member : 3.750€

Non Life documents in English

  • Member : 200€

Non Life documents in German

  • Member : 200€

IDD Life FoS 5 markets pre-contractual documents (Members only) :

  • France, Belgium: reviewed in 2023
    (particularly with regard to ESG requirements and LC 22/22).
  • Portugal: reviewed in 2023
  • Italy : reviewed in 2023
    (including ESG requirements).
  • Spain : 2019 edition

Billing table for pre-contract documents :

Number of documents / country purchased.

Unit price.

Total invoiced price.

1 1.000 1.000
2 750 1.500
3 666 2.000
4 625 2.500
5 600 3.000

Procedures and practical guides for Members only :

AML procedures :

  • International economic and financial sanctions” procedure (FR/EN)
    Author : Me Marjorie Binet – Binet Legal.
  • Procedure “AML/CFT and intermediation takeovers” “LC22/22” (FR/EN)
    Author: Lorenzo Stipulante – KPMG.

Practical guides :

  • Best practice guide for CAA AML inspections.
    Author: Arendt & Medernach.
  • SFDR STIBBE guide (FR and/or EN).
    Author: STIBBE lawyers.
  • Document « Global AML Risk Assessment » : standard version of the Risk-Based Approach applicable to all brokerage firms.
    Author: Lorenzo Stipulante – KPMG.
  • GDPR practical guide (FR and/or EN).                                                                                                                                                                      Author: Christophe Buschmann – KPMG.

Internal brokerage procedures :

  • “Training” procedure (FR/EN)
  • “Claims handling” procedure (FR/EN)

IDD Tool Box (Members only) :

APCAL makes the following 6 tools available to its members free of charge, with an explanatory note and the policy itself in each case (except for tools 3 and 6). All in French and English.


  • Tool 1 : Conflict of interest policy and register.
  • Tool 2 : Employee compensation policy.
  • Tool 3 : Partnership remuneration policy.
  • Tool 4 : Gifts and benefits policy.
  • Tool 5 : Customer information – managing conflicts of interest.
  • Tool 6 : Complaints management policy and procedure

To order documents, you can also contact us by e-mail at

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