BIPAR, on another Note du 09 NOVEMBRE 2023
Retrouvez le programme de BIPAR, on another Note du 09 novembre 2023 PDF version EN dans l’accès Membre de l’APCAL.

In this issue
1. International – IAIS report on the role of insurance supervisors in addressing natural catastrophe protection gaps
2. EU – Commission and consumer authorities to look into influencers’ business practices
3. EU – European Economic and Social Committee adopts its opinion on the ESG ratings Regulation
4. EU – ESMA publishes its findings on corporate reporting practices under the Taxonomy Regulation
5. Belgium – Simplification of insurance termination rules
6. The Netherlands – DORA – Dutch Central Bank expectation regarding its implementation by the Dutch market participant
7. The Netherlands – Dutch Court decision on the concept of place of establishment for insurance tax purpose
Si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez obtenir de plus amples informations sur les sujets traités dans ce BIPAR Update, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the topics covered in this BIPAR Update, please do not hesitate to contact us.